Scale Computing Industry Solution Brief: State and Local Government

Scale Computing Meets the Needs of Municipal Institutions

Municipal institutions like governments, government agencies, and other public entities are adopting hypercon verged infrastructure (HCI) at a rapidly increasing rate to reduce IT costs. Infrastructure, including servers, storage, virtualization, and disaster recovery can be complex using traditional methods
Scale Computing is often the HCI solution of choice to replace traditional solutions because it meets the needs of these public sector organizations with greater ease and at the lowest cost.



Eliminating multiple vendors from virtualization infrastruc ture makes HC3 far easier to deploy and manage Owner- ship of the entire stack of storage, servers, and hypervisor allows for high levels of automation to eliminate historically tedious management tasks. IT administrators will spend less time managing infrastructure and have more time for projects that will move your organization forward

  • Deploys in less than an hour
  • Create new VMs in minutes
  • Single pane, web-based management
  • Automated storage management
  • No-downtime system hardware and software updates
  • Single vendor support experience



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